Now also available for Linux, MacOS X and Solaris
Well, hopefully, that is... :)
Here are the native libraries for these platforms ; with that you should be able to run the emulator on these targets too. As I have none of these systems available for testing, I can't check that it works properly. If you have a chance to try it, please tell me if it's ok or not.
To install the native libraries, download the right archive, unzip it directly into the emulator's directory, and you're nearly done!
Of course, as you can't launch the emulator with the
JOGL native libraries for Mac OS X 10.3+
JOGL native libraries for Linux/x86
JOGL native libraries for Solaris/SPARC 2.8+
JOGL native libraries for Solaris/x86 2.9+
Alternatively, you can get these files (as a JAR archive) from the JOGL 1.1.1 download page.
Here are the native libraries for these platforms ; with that you should be able to run the emulator on these targets too. As I have none of these systems available for testing, I can't check that it works properly. If you have a chance to try it, please tell me if it's ok or not.
To install the native libraries, download the right archive, unzip it directly into the emulator's directory, and you're nearly done!
Of course, as you can't launch the emulator with the
script, you'll have to write your own script to run the java command line (if you write one, I'd be very grateful if you could send me a copy, so that I can include it in the next distrib)JOGL native libraries for Mac OS X 10.3+
JOGL native libraries for Linux/x86
JOGL native libraries for Solaris/SPARC 2.8+
JOGL native libraries for Solaris/x86 2.9+
Alternatively, you can get these files (as a JAR archive) from the JOGL 1.1.1 download page.
Je veux bien tester le portage sous Linux...
J'ai écrit un lanceur :
export JAVADIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre
$JAVADIR/bin/java -cp VectrexEmul.jar;jogl-natives-linux.jar frc.emul.ui.standalone.VectrexEmulator
Mais ça ne fonctionne pas...
Anonymous, at 7/22/2006 1:42 PM
Salut Nico, merci pour le coup de main! :)
Si ça fonctionne comme sous windows, il n'est pas nécessaire d'ajouter la lib native sur la ligne de commande (on doit la trouver automatiquement dans le répertoire courrant, je pense).
Par contre, il faut absolument laisser l'archive "jogl.jar" (qui elle n'est spécifique à aucune plateforme).
Du coup, il me semble que ça devrait fonctionner avec :
export JAVADIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre
$JAVADIR/bin/java -cp VectrexEmul.jar;jogl.jar frc.emul.ui.standalone.VectrexEmulator
Si ce n'est pas le cas, quel est le message d'erreur?
Parabellum, at 7/22/2006 2:10 PM
Ok pour jogl, je laisse comme ça.
J'ai trouver une erreur le script doit être :
export JAVADIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre
$JAVADIR/bin/java -cp VectrexEmul.jar:jogl.jar frc.emul.ui.standalone.VectrexEmulator
Avec : au lieu de ;
J'ai une floppée de messages d'erreur.
Mais je n'arrive pas à les poster ici. Blogger croit que c'est du code...
Je vais t'envoyer ça par mail
Anonymous, at 7/22/2006 2:22 PM
Ok, merci.
Je regarde ça et je te recontacte!
Parabellum, at 7/22/2006 6:32 PM
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